4K video, tulle, NFC chips, AR face filter, sound, performance
The performance and installation is a further development of the examination of questions of self-optimization and posthuman utopias. Together with the artist and fashion designer Alexandra Börner, Stefan Hurtig has developed wearable textile sculptures. Sewn-in NFC chips extend the objects into virtual space and can be read out with smartphones. Viewers can immerse themselves in the world of le corps-glitch by Canadian artist Marie-Eve Levasseur.
It is a playful exploration of how profoundly humans are changing the foundations of life and a vision of a new solidarity between human and non-human beings. The projected video shows performer Jan Jedenak in action at the so-called Mäusebunker (mouse bunker) – the former animal testing laboratory of Freie Universität Berlin. There, Jedenak makes contact with lichens and mosses that have since colonized the brutalist building.
In the Durational Live Performance, Jedenak demonstrates the textiles in action. The sequence of actions, set up as a loop, is a circular metamorphosis between emergence and decay. The performer animates the fabric sculptures, transforming himself into a hybrid being between human, animal and plant.
CBRG.SPACE creates a performative situation without beginning and end, in which the visitors can move freely. The work is accompanied by a printed publication with the text Wir sind alle Flechten (We are all lichens) by Sebastian Mühl. Download the English version on the publications page.
Performance by
Alexandra Börner and Stefan Hurtig
Performer: Jan Jedenak
Videos on NFC chips:
Marie-Eve Levasseur
Camera: Ray Peter Maletzki
Performer: Jan Jedenak
Directed, edited, and graded by:
Stefan Hurtig
Camera assistant, set photographer:
Louis Volkmann
Thanks to:
Helmut Schmidt, Margit Passow
Sound composer:
Ludovico Failla
Made possible by a grant from Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen.

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