In view of the exploitation of the Earth’s habitat, it has become urgent to rethink how we live together with other, non-human beings. What can humans learn from the sustainable lifestyles of algae? The video installation SOLIDARITIES is a speculative research laboratory. In several videos, a non-binary, fluid figure guides us through a microalgae farm, plays underwater and merges with algae-based objects. The hybrid creature Zoé talks about the superpowers and symbiotic communities of algae. Spirulina and Chlorella cultures bubble away meditatively. New solidarities between species – that is the perspective after the Anthropocene.

Text quotes from: Stefano Mancuso: Die Pflanzen und ihre Rechte (The Nation of Plants) (2021), Lynn Margulis: Der symbiotische Planet (Symbiotic Planet) (2017), Miek Zwamborn: Algen (2019)

Concept, Director, Editing, Color Grading, Sound Design: Stefan Hurtig

Performer: Mori Obscurus

Costume Designer: Kerima Elfaza

Director of Photography (pool + farm): Ray Peter Maletzki

Hair & Makeup: Frenze Merkel (pool), feenstaubgebilde (farm)

Assistent to Camera: Wilhelm Frederking, Luis Kießling

Locations: IAT Leipzig (pool), Algomed Klötze (farm)

Funding by Stiftung Kunstfonds/Neustart Kultur/BKM, Kunsthof NIA, Werkleitz

SOLIDARITIES, Potemka Contemporary Art, Leipzig (2024)

According to the Endosymbiosis theory of biologist Lynn Margulis, the evolution of life on earth is essentially characterized by symbiotic life forms. This view calls into question the humanistic values of the European Enlightenment and the uniqueness of human beings. The posthumanist perspective, on the other hand, questions the hierarchy of living beings and human-centered subjectivity. At the same time, the concept of a fixed identity becomes questionable. Fluidity and ambiguity are the values of the post-Anthropocene.

Some microalgae are surprisingly robust against environmental influences such as UV radiation. They are adaptable and rich in nutrients. And they form symbiotic relationships with other species. SOLIDARITIES presents a new kind of rapprochement between humans and algae. The project rethinks the relationship between humans and non-human creatures in the sense of a post-human utopia.
3-channel video sculpture (UHD video loop, sound, steel, silicone)

In the video sculpture SOLIDARITIES (Zoé), a non-binary performer comes into loving contact with algae-based objects. The body connects with them, appearing sculptural – a fluid, hybrid identity emerges. A creature swims through the images and tells of the superpowers of algae, of harmonious living communities and of human dependence on microorganisms.
SOLIDARITIES (Zoé), video stills
All videos are edited as endless loops with a circular plot. The individual loops are combined with algae bioreactors in a video installation. The bioreactors are based on the freshwater polyp Green Hydra – an animal that represents a symbiotic life form with microalgae inside. Using welded foils, I have created sculptures in which spirulina cultures live.
Polyethylene, nutrient solution, spirulina cultures, membrane air pump, LEDs, steel, alu, infusions, speakers, electronics, real-time sound

The soundscape of SOLIDARITIES (Grow), generated in real time and based on the live sounds of the bubbling bioreactors, can be heard in the room. It creates an atmosphere somewhere between a dialogue between microorganisms and a laboratory of the future.
Steel, organza, latex, jersey, silicone, infusions, LEDs, video loop (HD, without sound)

Another video from the installation SOLIDARITIES (Nation) animates the »Charter of Plant Rights« by plant researcher Stefano Mancuso. His eight speculative paragraphs raise the question of whether it would not make sense to extend the basic rights that already exist for humans and animals to other living beings.
SOLIDARITIES (Nation), video still
Video loop (UHD, sound)

In the third video SOLIDARITIES (Farm), the performer leads us through a microalgae farm where chlorella is cultivated as a superfood in a futuristic facility. Perhaps the food of the future? He measures the space by placing his body in relation to the functional architecture and lovingly tending to the algae as a “gardener”.
SOLIDARITIES (Farm), video stills
Video loop (UHD, no sound), fluorescent tube

In a second video loop, SOLIDARITIES (Pool), a figure floats gracefully and playfully in a stream of water, connecting with this important element that is the origin and basis of all life.
SOLIDARITIES (Pool), video stills
SOLIDARITIES is a proposal to rethink the identity and subjectivity of humans and their relationship to their habitat through the perspective of solidarity between species.