Video screenings in three parts / video projekcije u tri dijela
With films by Paula Abalos, ART’N’MORE, Anna Baronowski, Charlotte Eifler, Stefan Hurtig, Marie-Eve Levasseur, Katharina Nesterowa, Jakub Šimčik, Robert Sieg, V.I.P.
Curator/kurator: Kristina Semenova
Is the urge to draft and invent ourselves pervasive? Is the pressure to extend the boundaries of all the physical, biological and psychological limits ubiquitous? Did the individual’s body internalize the digital force already? Is ‘homo technicus’ the final fiction, the hyper, the quantified self, optimized and controlled, alienated and hypnotized? Are humans already inhabited by machines and therefore cyborgs which were thought to inhabit only the distant future? In the polyphonic video story, ‘corpus collective’ explores the impacts of technology on the production of the contemporary subject, it’s desires, fears and longings in the techno-worlds.
As part of the project It could be a community. In cooperation with Бükü – bureau for cultural translations and KV-Leipzig. The project is a result of a three year exchange 2015 – 2017 framed by the project Intercity/Switchcity. Funded by Goethe Institute Zagreb, Ministry of Culture of Croatia, City of Zagreb.
15 December, 2017
8 pm
Mala dvorana Pogona Jedinstvo
Zagreb, Croatia