4K Video, 12 min., bamboo, varnish, plastics, foam plastics, PU leather
200 x 400 x 400 cm
IDLE envisions an alternative future for humanity: in a post-apocalyptic landscape, a humanoid being dances around while housekeeping robots tirelessly perform their tasks and unintentionally create works of art. The text recited by a voice-off is based on Kazimir Malevich’s Laziness as the Real Truth of Mankind (1921). The film transforms a visionary pavilion structure built by German architect Ulrich Müther in Binz, Germany (1981), into a futuristic home.
Screenplay: Stefan Hurtig
Performance by Jana Rath
Costume Design: Alexandra Börner
Music/Sound Design: Ludovico Failla
Voice: Carmen Orschinski
Drone Operators: Christiane Burwitz, Stefan Pocha
Translation: Elizabeth Gerdeman
Set Architecture by Ulrich Müther
Special Thnx: Jennifer Bork, Sabine Elsner, Steffen Grosser, Ina Hurtig, LIA e.V., Sebastian Mühl, Hein-Godehart Petschulat, Holger Vonberg, Anglika Waniek, Wüstenrot Stiftung
Kindly supported by Gemeinde Ostseebad Binz, Werkleitz
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