4K Video, 12 min.
IDLE focuses on an alternate future for humanity. A praise of idleness, the film follows a humanoid being in a post-apocalyptic landscape dancing and enjoying leisure while housekeeping robots do their job and unintentionally create works of art. A voice reads out a text based on Kazimir Malevich’s Laziness as the Real Truth of Mankind (1921). The film transforms the visionary pavilion structure by German architect Ulrich Müther located in Binz, Germany from 1981 into a futuristic home.
Screenplay: Stefan Hurtig
Performance by Jana Rath
Costume Design: Alexandra Börner
Music/Sound Design: Ludovico Failla
Voice: Carmen Orschinski
Drone Operators: Christiane Burwitz, Stefan Pocha
Translation: Elizabeth Gerdeman
Architecture by Ulrich Müther
Special Thnx: Jennifer Bork, Sabine Elsner, Steffen Grosser, Ina Hurtig, LIA e.V., Sebastian Mühl, Hein-Godehart Petschulat, Holger Vonberg, Anglika Waniek, Wüstenrot Stiftung
Kindly supported by Gemeinde Ostseebad Binz, Werkleitz
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